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Restoration Workshops

A look behind the scenes at the Museumslandschaft Hessen Kassel

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High Culture

Roman way of life in the Taunus

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Roman Fort

Legacy of the Roman Empire - Saalburg Roman Fort

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World of the Celts

An archaeological sensation

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Baroque garden

Versailles on the Lahn

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Landscaped garden

From spring to princely park

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Art Nouveau

On the enduring charm of Art Nouveau

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History of medicine

Medical and Secular Knowledge Under One Roof

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World Heritage Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe

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Rhine Romanticism

Osteinscher Niederwald - A complete artwork on the Rhine

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Royal garden

A journey through the Schlosspark Bad Homburg

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Middle Ages

An architectural masterpiece from the time of Emperor Charlemagne

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Experience the fascination of the cultural heritage in Hessen.

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Bad Homburg Palace and Palace Park

Bad Homburg Palace and Palace Park is situated above the roofs of the spa town, its silhouette dominated by the medieval keep. The baroque palace, which was founded on a previous medieval building, has extensive grounds and served not only as the residence of the landgraves, but also as the summer residence of the German imperial family. So when you go for a stroll here, you are in the best of company!

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Wilhelmshöhe Palace and Bergpark

In the middle of Europe's largest mountain park is Wilhelmshöhe Palace, home to the Weissenstein Wing, a classical antiquities collection and the famous Old Masters Picture Gallery, whose treasure trove of paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens and Dürer is world-renowned.

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Ostein’s Niederwald, Rüdesheim

High above the Rhine between Rüdesheim and Assmannshausen is a magical horticultural monument - and that’s to be taken quite literally, because in addition to the temple and artificial ruins, a magic cave also awaits you in the Ostein ornamental forest.

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The World of the Celts at the Glauberg

So sensational was the discovery of the life-size "Celtic Prince from the Glauberg" some 25 years ago that news of it travelled all the way around the world. Today, the stone figure with the striking, ear-shaped headwear is housed in a museum that is very popular as a photo backdrop. Take your own picture!

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Planetarium and Cabinet of Astronomy and Physics in the Orangery Palace (Temporarily closed)
Brentano House, Oestrich-Winkel
Breuberg Castle
The World of the Celts at the Glauberg Museum - Archaeological Park - Research Center
Lorsch Abbey and Lauresham UNESCO World Heritage
Seligenstadt Abbey
Erbach Palace
Friedrichstein Palace, Bad Wildungen
Hirschhorn Castle
Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt
Saalburg Roman Fort and Archaeological Park Unesco World Heritage Upper Germanic Limes
Wilhelmshöhe Palace and Bergpark UNESCO World Heritage Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe
Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt
The World of the Celts at the Glauberg Museum - Archaeological Park - Research Center
Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt
Museum Wiesbaden
Hessian State Museum of Art and Nature
Wilhelmshöhe Palace and Bergpark UNESCO World Heritage Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe
Museum of Hessian History
Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt
The World of the Celts at the Glauberg Museum - Archaeological Park - Research Center
Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt
Museum Wiesbaden
Hessian State Museum of Art and Nature
New Gallery
Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt
Museum Wiesbaden
Hessian State Museum of Art and Nature
Museum of Hessian History
Saalburg Roman Fort and Archaeological Park Unesco World Heritage Upper Germanic Limes
Breuberg Castle
Frankenstein Castle, Mühltal
Einhard’s Basilica, Michelstadt-Steinbach
Brentano House, Oestrich-Winkel
Breuberg Castle
Frankenstein Castle, Mühltal
Our suggestion

Weilburg Palace and Palace Garden

Visible from afar, Weilburg Palace towers above the River Lahn. The impressive complex harmoniously combines stately buildings from the Renaissance and Baroque periods. In this way, it offers an extraordinary insight into domestic palace culture from four centuries.

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